Bobby 1P429


Monday, March 30, 2009

My reflection on creating a class blog

Hmm... This is a first time a teacher asked me to create a blog. In my old school, my teachers, in fact, told us not to create a blog! Creating a class blog is good. It let us learn how to not use abbreviations and check thoroughly before we post something. It also let us have a new experience in studying. Normally we use diaries and in the form of writing to talk about our lives, but now, it is much more fun and not so monotonous! To tell the truth, I love blogging!

Philip Malloy "Why did I do it?"

Let me tell you why I did such action. The root cause is Miss Narwin! She caused me my track! She knew that I love track, but she gave me a "D" for my English Test! This cause me to not met the requirements of the track team and not be able to join!
I do not think Miss Narwin is to be pity. She caused me the most inportant thing in my life!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Inno Trek

Just Back after a two and a half day of camping. I'm so tired! Feel like sleeping at any moment. ('Inno Trek' is also known as 'Sarimbun Scouts Camp') Fellow friends out there, upon seeing this word 'Inno Trek', I am sure it will send a shiver down your spine. Its torturous, isn't it? Tasteless food, unfair lodging, tiring days,sleepless and late nights and the so called 'milo pool'. But, my friends, what have you learnt during this camp, or in other words, do you feel stronger? or braver?

No response? Alright. I'll say what I feel. Yes! The camp makes me very uncomfortable. However, I've learnt a lot and a lot (multiplied hundred thousand million billion zillion times). Very untrue huh? Nevermind, I'll start with different points.

'Tasteless food'. Yup! I personally hate the food there. However, after two days of it, when you returned home, you find any food (be it snacks or lunch or porridge) heavenly, right? Knowing this, you will know how to treasure your parents' cooking.

'Unfair lodging'. My poor fellow proedians, for the last three days, all of you have been complaining. Why are we sleeping in dirty, hot tents, while other consortiums are sleeping in comfortable A-huts and air-conditioned domitories? I'm too a little puzzled at this, but after thinking, I feel that we the proedians are the ones that really benefited the most. You see, if there is a somehow tragedy or something (touchwood!!!!!!) it is impossible to have comfortable surroundings! Those people who are used to living in great surroundings would never survive! Hence, you learnt another point.

The third one: 'Tiring days'. Running around collecting rubbish, scrubbing floors and tents, it is indeed very tiring, however, these days trained us in being stronger. This make us thouroughly know what 'Hey! What are you doing! We are HwaChong Boys! Not Nanyang Girls!' (adapted from the Student Leaders' words) means. This trained us to be strong men, no longer little children, we have all grow up! Another point learnt.

'Sleepless and late nights'. Arghh! So hot! The buzzing of my mini fan caused a distraction but a cooling effect on my tent mates. Its already two o'clock, but I'm still awake. In fact, this made James (KPG you know who) sick! Fellow friends, you may wonder what can you learn from this, but the answer is simple: Another point, Your air-conditioned room.

The last but the most torturous: The 'milo pool' A.K.A 'mud pool'. Brr... It sends shiver down my spine. Some of you out there might find it fun and wants to try again, however, brr... I will never! Another thought... hmm... it is quite useful anyway. Imagine someone who never tried this before, going to National Service and jumping into something ten times dirtier. He would sure fall sick! In this activity, you know who are the brave souls and who are those not to mention. (and! -Censored-) Bi! Bi! Another point! You are braver!

With all these points, you know something: You survived the 'five star' camp!

Haha... That's all, hope you learn something through it. Bye!

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