Bobby 1P429


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A summary on Village by the Sea

Hi everyone, its me again. I've reade a book named "Village by the Sea" and I'll be writing a reflection on this book. This book is a wonderful book, sometimes adventurous, sometimes like a fairytale. There are many characters and the main ones are Hari, Lila, Bela and Kamal and their parents. They live in a small village of India called Thul and they are very poor. The father is permanently drunk while the mother is very ill. Hence, the responsibily of taking care of the family is on the children's shoulder. One day, when Hari, the protagonist of the story, could not tolerate the dysfunctioned family anymore, he escaped to Bombay, in search of jobs. From these story, I learnt a lot of things, including the themes, Family, Benefactors, Change and Adaption, Poverty and Wealth and finally, Urban and Rural India. Thats all for today, bye!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reflections on: Singapore allows payment for living organ donors

I feel that organ trading should be allowed as this will prevent people from going to the black market, which costs a bomb, needy people with financial problems who could not afford the cost would be left to suffer. When organ trading is allowed, the government could help these people; monetary compensation would also be given to living donors. However, this could also result in foreign workers who are in need of money to donate their organs for the rewards, which would result in overflow of organ donating, hence, in conclusion, I think that items such as travel, accommodation, costs of domestic care and child care, loss of income and long-term medical care is a better way to compensate the donor and reimburse the cost.