Bobby 1P429


Monday, February 2, 2009


Drugs are dangerous! People out there, do not take drugs! Drugs are devils which will torture you slowly and eventually take your lives!

Effects of drugs

1)Sedative drugs can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal behaviours.
2)Stimulant drugs can produce anxiety or panic attacks.
3)Hallucinogenic drugs may lead to erratic or dangerous actions.

Drugs can be safe or dangerous, but the only time you can take drugs, is when you are sick and it is prescribes by a doctor!

Say no!

1. Say out loud
Bad guy: Hey you. You want this?
You: No thanks!
2. Cold Response

Bad guy: You wanna smoke?
You: Lalala(Ignore him.)

3. Give an excuse
Bad guy: Come on! Let's smoke this.

You: Never! I don’t smoke.

4. Keep Saying No
Bad guy: Drink it. It's beer.
You: No.
Bad guy: Come on.
You: No
Bad guy: I say drink it!
You: No

5. Walk with a group of friends or people you know who don't take drugs, when you know baddies are to appear!

Do anything you like to say no, but just don't take drugs!(Only when prescribed) :)


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