I started reading since I was in Kindergarten. At first, I only read books with simple pictures. Then, wen i went on to lower primary, i started reading simple comics and some more difficult picture books. I was fascinated by the book introducing dinosaurs the most. Especially the book "Pop-Up Facts Dinosaurs". The author of the book is Richard Dungworth and this book introduced the facts of dinosaurs. It is indeed very interesting! Sadly, I do not own this book as I borrowed it from my friend.
When I was in higher primary, I became kind of more "logical" and stopped reading comics. I read books more complex then. I rembered that there was a book I enjoyed the most, "The Samurai", which I borrowed fom the library. It talks about the life of a young samurai and his adventures, from slashing traitors to enemies. This book could be borrowed in the library so if you readers are interested, go check it out.
All right! It's all for today! Bye!
This is the books i've read: http://weread.com/profile/Bobby/2041018F-064E-45FE-B02E-180DC8AFF0A1?refuid=2041018F-064E-45FE-B02E-180DC8AFF0A1&src=&auri=
Picture Source: http://blog.everythingdinosaur.co.uk/dinosaur_facts_pop_up.jpg